Landing a professional job in the U.S. has become so tough that even Harvard Business School says its M.B.A.s can’t solely rely on the university’s name to open doors anymore
Tochterunternehmen des Volkswagen-Konzerns hat teils extrem detaillierte Bewegungsdaten von 800.000 Elektroautos so in der Amazon-Cloud abgelegt, dass Nachrichtendienste, Konkurrenten, Kriminelle oder "gelangweilte Teenager" ohne große Schwierigkeiten darauf hätten zugreifen können
It is in the financial interest of streaming services to discourage a critical audio culture among users, to continue eroding connections between artists and listeners, so as to more easily slip discounted stock music through the cracks, improving their profit margins in the process.
I feel this is slowly happening to all types of media., not just audio. The slow dumbification of culture
So the AI boom of the last 12 years was made possible by three visionaries:
One was Geoffrey Hinton, a University of Toronto computer scientist who spent decades promoting neural networks despite near-universal skepticism.
The second was Jensen Huang, the CEO of Nvidia, who recognized early that GPUs could be useful for more than just graphics.
The third was Fei-Fei Li. She created an image dataset that seemed ludicrously large to most of her colleagues. But it turned out to be essential for demonstrating the potential of neural networks trained on GPUs
Clicker games are the product of stripping a game down to nothing but the microtransactions and trading elements, which is likely why the developers of “Banana” don't care if it's bots or humans playing, so long as users are buying and trading content. They're earning about 10% of every sale between players, human or not
In Hamburg ging der Stromverbrauch von Straßenlaternen seit 2020 um 30 Prozent zurück, da zunnehmend LED verwendet werden. So auch in Ampeln und Leuchtverkehrszeichen, dort lagen die Einsparungen durch LED-Lampen demnach bei 69 beziehungsweise 83 Prozent
Working on problems in the order I noticed them is rarely the most effective order. So the WTF Notebook gives me a place to park the impulse to fix it now, damn it! until I have more context for deciding what to work on first
A 20-minute nap is recharging, Dautovich says, and 60 to 90 minutes of sleep can be even more restorative. The nap to avoid is one lasting more than 20 minutes and less than 60 minutes