Those born after 1995, argues Jonathan Haidt in his new book, were the first people in history to go through puberty with a portal to an alternative universe in their pockets – and the toll this has taken on their wellbeing has been devastating
There's an office real estate apocalypse unfolding. Corporate landlords currently hold $1.2 trillion in loans on office towers all over the country. In some cases, these are the same assholes who've been buying up all the houses and driving up prices on residential real estate, too
Zivilgesellschaft Deutschlands verliert mit "campact!" nach ATTAC innerhalb kurzer Zeit die zweite Onlinepetitionen-Plattform im Sinne der "Gemeinnützigkeit"
Live-Feed des "Guardian": Julian Assange wurde der Asylstatus Ecuadors entzogen. Leider wurde er heute polizeilich aus der Botschaft Ecuadors entfernt - ein rabenschwarzer Tag für Cypherpunks & die Pressefreiheit weltweit